mermaid wedding dress

# Rayma
တထည္ 12700က်ပ္

Sleeveless cotton shirt with dots on front. Man dresses a little bit curly cute chest embroidered play heart. mermaid wedding dress

40 loops 40 loops 42
Length 35

There are 4 red, black and white department.

Wholesale price - 11,700 (for 3item)
Only price...12700ks
Wait time.. 8~10day
Order close day... 10/20/30

(Red color can be my only other color in ..)

တထည္ 12700က်ပ္

Sleeveless cotton shirt with

# Rayma
တထည္ 12700က်ပ္

Sleeveless cotton shirt with dots on front. Man dresses a little bit curly cute chest embroidered play heart.

40 loops 40 loops 42
Length 35

There are 4 red, black and white department.

Wholesale price - 11,700 (for 3item)
Only price...12700ks
Wait time.. 8~10day
Order close day... 10/20/30

(Red color can be my only other color in ..)