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Dear Brothers,

You are hereby invited to the Kansas Zeta Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity's Formal and Brotherhood Awards Banquet. You will have the honor of bringing one guest while joining all current chapter members and their respective parents.

We ask that everyone dress formally (jacket and tie) for this event, as we hope to properly represent our standards. The purpose of holding this banquet is to recognize the outstanding accomplishments our current chapter has made throughout the year, while also recognizing you, our alumni, for many generous donations.

Saturday, April 14
FHSU's Robbins Center
RSVP by April 7

The event will begin at 5 p.m. with a 30-45 minute mixer for members, parents and alumni to become acquainted. The banquet will include a few speeches from current chapter members, followed by dinner and awards to cap off our evening together.

Tickets to our Brotherhood Banquet are $25 each, available now through the Saturday, April 7 RSVP deadline. Please mail your check ($25 per individual / $50 per couple) made payable to Sigma Phi Epsilon to 4404 Newton Circle, Hays, KS 67601. In addition, we ask that attendees call 620-960-3028 to confirm their reservation for the evening. If there is no answer, due to this being my mobile number, please leave a voicemail with your name and how many will be in your party. This will allow for an accurate count of attendance for the night. blush pink colored style for the maid of the brides

If you are unable to attend and would still like to contribute to the banquet, please make gifts payable to Sigma Phi Epsilon and send them to the same address mentioned above. We are eager to share an evening with you and your guest and to properly show our appreciation and gratitude. Until then, we wish you the best


Derek Dreher
V.P. of Programming, Sigma Phi Epsilon